CompBin compares two binary (EPROM Image) files and reports the differences in both hex and decimal format.

This utility is very useful for establishing differences between calibrations and verifying file modifications.


The screen capture shows a compare between similar Type $42 calibrations found in standard duty 89 - 91 GM pick-up trucks.


  • The user can specify the address range to check.
  • Find out the difference between that "hot" chip and your stock calibration. 
  • A great time saver for hacking calibrations.


Seven differences were found, a diff.txt file is created in the same directory as the bin files.
Data from diff.txt data file
Address  Arju  Asdz Arju   Asdz
-------  ---(d)--- ---(d)--- ---(h)--- ---(h)---
00001 245 217 F5 D9
00002 24 37 18 25
00003  157  29 9D  1D
0013C  57 74 39  4A
002F0 14 4 0E  04
00557 60  20  3C  14
0056D 5 00 05



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