
OBDI Data Logging Program


DataCat is a powerful, easy-to-use scan tool/data logging program for GM OBD1 vehicles. The DataCat  program was specifically written to give the end user comprehensive means by which to monitor their vehicles' performance, and includes data recording and playback of virtually every sensor and PCM status bit in the system. In some cases, this is upwards of 130 data items! This information can be very useful when tuning you vehicle or diagnosing a problem. The new user interface is very flexible allowing you customize the data display to your requirements.

A single copy of the DataCat program allows you to work on any of the wide range of supported vehicles so there no need to purchase multiple copies if you are working with more than one vehicle. The program registration information is not PC dependant so if you need to move the program to another PC you don't have to worry about requesting a new serial number. For a list of currently supported vehicles click here

DataCat Key Features:

The DataCat program can be used free during the 10-day trial period. After that the data recording function is disabled but you can still play back data files.  Once registered, DataCat data recording is unlimited for all vehicles supported. DataCat requires an ALDL cable like our USB/ALDL cable sets in order to record data from a vehicle, click here for additional information on these cables.






DataCat & USB/ALDL-1 Cable $134.95
DataCat & USB/ALDL-2 Cable $134.95
DataCat & USB/ALDL-Y Cable $159.95